About Us

A warm welcome is always guaranteed!

The Idea

The Women’s Institute is the largest women’s organisation in the UK and our branch pride ourselves on being a trusted place for women of all generations to share experiences and learn from each other. Members mostly come from Woodhouse Eaves and adjacent villages.

We Offer

At our monthly meetings we invite guest speakers to talk to us a wide range of subjects. We currently offer 6 clubs including book club, walking group, lunch club, coffee morning, darts and skittles.

And more…

Apart from regurlar meetings and clubs, we also hold an outing and lots of different events and activities. We are an extremely friendly group with an enthusiastic committee.


Members are encouraged to take an active role in thriving the WI and give back to the community. The more you take part in our WI, the more you will get out of it. It is what YOU can make it!

Magazine & Newletter

Every member receives the WI Life eight times a year and a monthly County News, to keep us up-to-date of the latest news, ACM, Federation events and competitions across the country and county.

Online Resources

My WI is a website designed exclusively to enhance members’ experience of the WI ; whereas the WI Learning Hub is an online learning platform for members to learn at their own pace and at times that fit into their lifestyles.